My Background
Like many an artisan at a time when tactile artists were underappreciated, I've had to spend far too much
of my time in uncreative fields. Yet, one with a creative spark and wanderlust can never truly stop.
So to anyone who may have found my scribblings and sketches discarded from the paper products all too common in the computer
field, well, enjoy(chuckling).
I'd spent decades in Computers and Information Technologies' infancy, only to leave it bitter and unimpressed.
Yet, a decade later I marvel at the advancements that were indeed made by the pioneering artistic spirit. The simple
bits, bytes, and punched cards of my time gave way to such advancements and optical wonders. The languages and operating
systems such as BASIC and DOS are replaced with high tech wonders that enable such programs as DAZ, Carrara, BRYCE, Maya,
and many others that have brought imagination to rendered product that astound and entertain today.
For myself, I have had the pleasure of a simple artistic public school education. One art related public
school after another, in the great New York City. Fine arts, commerical arts, and even some architecture on my own as
well as my major, theatre arts.
Freelancing, as most do in this day and age, I have lent or sold my talents to enable friends, family, and
the imaginative to see their "thought bubbles" become reality. Even though this site is about my diorama related talents,
I still am very much the tactile fine artisan, as well as fledgling writer. I enjoy creating my own graphic novel
in my spare time.
Time was less kinder than Fate, and I have endured some limiting disabilities, which sadly one is the
area of any tactile artisan's fears...the eyes. But I still create every single day; a luxury I denied myself for decades
due to the responsibilities of home and hearth.
Regarding my dioramas, I have created many of them over the years for the Historical and
Fantasy gaming set, but mostly for the appreciator and customizer of the 1:18 or 3 3/4 inch scale figures from Hasbro's GIJOE
line of figures. My own dioramas (when I can afford to personally chase my own "thought bubbles") are in both the 1:18
world, as well as my newfound plastic love, the 1:24 scale of figures. These include the ranges from the historical
CanDo line and the excellent Armies of Middle Earth Lord of the Rings line, to the also exquisite offerings from Japan: Disposable
mold "gashapon" and "shokugan" toys. These toys from Japan are without a doubt some of the best toys one can
ever find, and to think that many of them are found in a 500Yen vending bubble machine. Incredible.
I enjoy mostly 1:24 scale, which is just over 2 1/2 inches, because of space it frees, and because my eyesight
has degraded to where I can no longer see the 1 inch figures I acquired and enjoyed over the years. So for now, this
is the minimum scale, and most wonderful for me, it is a scale filled with something I have wanted since the first figures
of the 1960's....Fantasy related figures.