Please enjoy this sampling of pieces I have done, have lost, and well, enjoy. ~ Eric
The inside of the Inn. |

I am really proud of this piece, which will figure prominently in my 'diostory'. |
This Inn will be where the custom 1:24 scale figures I am making will congregate and share adventures. The
fireplace, which features an Elven girl head relief in the stone was fashioned from scratch, using a stone technique I developed.
The fire and kindling were from an excellent Italian Christmas line of accessories.

The Historic Norse town of Hedeby in Winter. |

I did this diorama for my Viking figures I received from a friend toysoldier vendor. |
Living in a small one bedroom apartment with another artisan I love, leaves little room sadly. As happy
as I was to recreate a representation of
the old Norse(Viking) trade site and town called Hedeby from existing historical site plans and architectural
theory, I was saddened that due to space, I had to destroy it. I am of limited means, and even Ebay yielded no takers
The piece below was a labor of love, made for my one inch Norse figures. It is a faithful recreation of
Allmanagja, the historic place in Norse/Viking antiquity where law was first held. I recreated the entire piece from
aerial and ground photographs, both in travel brochures and history books. It was carved from a single block of
foam. The streams and ground were textured, as well as the frozen waterfall.
There was a small area for tents, as well as a recreation of a "Holmgang" or "Holmgulang", best shown in
that Michael Crichton movie based on the book Eaters of the Dead. ( "The 13th Warrior")
Sadly, this entire experience taught me the dangers of working with heat, and with polystyrene foam. I
cannot help but wonder what damage I have done to my lungs and system creating this in the humid, Florida air. Even
with fans blowing the fumes outside, I felt the effects and well, let's hope for the best. As with previous historical
dioramas, I had to discard it to the dumpster due to lack of space in our apartment.
Allmanagja, where the Norse held court in Iceland, |

This piece alone taught me the dangers involved in foam sculpting. |
The Stargate Operations Room |

An actual application of a dio I made and the 1:18 custom figures. |
Application of the idea. One of my fellow customizing friends, Adam, asked me if I would be able to fashion
the props from the television show Stargate: SG1, in 1:18 scale. Having no other knowledge
base except the film of the same name, I set out watching the show, as well as studying as much as I could from the franchise.
It turned into quite the obsession, and aside from several gates, environs, as well as customizing some figures in 1:18 scale,
I was able to recreate the entire Gateroom. This included the Stargate, and Operations Area. I owe a
great many thanks (though I doubt she knows it) to a Cathy Holroyd. It seems she and others were given a grand
tour of the TV show's site, and she in excellent forethought, had photographed with amazing detail the entire set areas.
To her, I owe much inspiration.

Ada Wong doing what she does best. |

Resident Evil dioramas. My personal favorites. |
Leon S. Kennedy doing what HE does best. |

Yeah, I do like the Resident Evil dioramas. |
The entire of Downtown Shadowdale. |

From the Forgotten Realms Dungeons and Dragons world. |
Some works need only the foundation. In the photo above, I had fleshed out using the premade 1:72 (that's
25mm or just about an inch) terrain and domicile pieces from the most impressive creative team, Hudson and Allen Studios.
With what I can only describe as artistic excellence, they make such incredibly detailed and durable terrain from
a polyurethane foam that has the durability of hardwood, but the weight and workability of Balsa wood. All I needed
to do was prime and paint them, and of course, in "Eric" fashion, add details that can only be described as obsessive.
I love the Forgotten Realms aspect of Dungeons and Dragons, and when I happened upon a copy of a floorplan of the
actual downtown of Shadowdale proper, I couldn't help but to recreate it in scale. All the various shops, homes, and
sights, such as the blasted remains of Erek's Pit, are represented. This was a year long labor of love, and now
that the figures are being made in great plastic detail by Wizards of the Coast, well, Shadowdale will soon be as bustling
as it is in the Dungeons and Dragons mythos.
The stock in Weregund the Trader's store. |

Yeah...obsessive about the details. |
"Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.